Getting Started on the Right Foot, er Paw, with Your Puppy

You’ve just met the sweetest, gentlest fur-baby ever. You play with them, pet them, love them, and then all of the sudden, you try to take something away or remove them from a harmful situation and that sweet little puppy begins to growl and snaps at you. What happened? And you wonder…. Was it treated… Continue reading Getting Started on the Right Foot, er Paw, with Your Puppy

Charlie’s List of Dangerous Plants for Dogs

notes on what not to do, we can sometimes miss those things right in our own backyard or our families’ gardens.

Charlie was a golden cavalier puppy who’d just met his forever family and was living the high life in California until it was time to go to Texas. Like all puppies do, he began investigating the yard and ingested what turned out to be a toxic plant. It’s in his memory, his family has put together this list which will be placed permanently and prominently on our website and social media pages for other families to see.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Golden Cavaliers, but Were Afraid to Ask Part II

In our last post we covered Golden Cavaliers in broad brushstrokes. So, in this article, we thought we’d take a deeper dive into some of the things we talked about. Right now, Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) is the name of the game.